![]() Fuel composition
An additive combination for distillate fuels comprising materials of the following classes (A), (B) and (C): (A) a distillate flow improving composition as hereinbefore defined, (B) a high molecular weight hydrocarbon polymer of number average molecular weight greater than 103 or a derivatized version thereof, and (C) a polar oil soluble compound different from (A) and (B). 公开号:SU1271375A3 申请号:SU803213107 申请日:1980-11-21 公开日:1986-11-15 发明作者:Росси Альберт;Х.Ререр Дэйвид;А.Освальд Алексис;Лютас Кеннес;Драйден Тэк Роберт 申请人:Эксон Рисерч Энд Инджиниринг Компани (Фирма); IPC主号:
The invention relates to fuel compositions having improved characteristics at low temperatures. The aim of the invention is to increase the flowability of the composition. The invention is illustrated by the following examples. The additive A1, which improves the flow of the distillate oil, is a concentrate in the aromatic diluent about 3 wt.% Of a mixture of two copolymers of ethylene with: vinyl acetate, having different solubility in the oil, with one acting mainly as an additive that prevents growth. paraffin crystals, and in the second - as a seed crystal. The polymers are taken in the following quantities. About 75% by weight of the substance stopping the growth of paraffin crystals, and about 25% by weight of seed crystals. The first of the two substances includes ethylene and about 38% by weight of vin5 5 acetate and has an average mv about (OPF) .. The seed contains ethylene and about 16 May% of vinyl acetate and has an average mv approximately 3000 (OPF). Additive A2, to improve the flow of distillate oil, is a component of additive A1 in preventing growth of paraffin crystals, which is used by itself. The hydrocarbon polymer B is a copolymer of ethylene and propylene, having an average MW. approximately 35000-40000 (determined by membrane osmometry) and containing 44% May. ethylene. This copolymer is substantially linear and prepared on a Ziegler Natta catalyst. The following polar compounds C1 are used: a semi-amide of a semi-alkyl ammonium salt obtained by the reaction of 2 moles of a secondary amine hydrogenated lamb fat with 1 mole of phthalic anhydride; C2 - diamide obtained by dehydrating C1; NW is citric acid triamide obtained by dehydrating the product of the reaction of 3 mol of secondary amine hydrogenated mutton fat with 1 mol of citric acid. As tests have shown, fuels with additives have the following characteristics: Cloud point, C (measured according to AS TM D-2500) -3 O O -12 Paraffin appearance point, ° C (ASTM D-31 17) -6 -2 -2 Distillation, ° С (ASTM D-86) Starting out170 178 200 penalties 180 20% point 238 distillation 90% point 342 distillation End of boiling point 365 372 365 346 TZHF, C (raw 1-2) -5 Initial susceptibility of fuel Additives are determined according to the cold filter plugging point (TLCP) method. 40 ml of an oil sample is cooled in a bath at about -34 ° C. Periodically, when the temperature decreases by one degree, starting at least with a temperature of 2 ° C, the cloud point determines the ability to pass through thin sieves of cooled fuel for a predetermined time using a pipette device, the return funnel is attached to the lower end of which. The funnel is located below the surface of the test oil. A mesh filter with a diameter of i 2 mm with a number of holes 138 per 1 cm (350 mesh) is placed at the mouth of the funnel. Conduct periodic tests. After creating a vacuum at the upper end of the pipette, pour the oil through the strainer into the pipette to the 20 ml mark. After each successful passage, the petroleum product is immediately returned to the TZHF tube. Gradually lowering the temperature is repeated and repeated until the petroleum product is not hydrocarbon polymer - polyisobutylene with EZ 1 and mol.m. about 18,000 across Staudinger. Used as a 20% by weight solution in petroleum product. Hydrocarbon-polymer BI3 - isobutylene floor with mol.m. by Staudinger approximately 10,500 and EZ 0.6. Uses in the form of a 35 wt.% - solution in the oil. The above ethylene-propylene copolymers are polymerized on a Ziegler-Natta catalysts, the ratio is less than 4. For the determination of the mol.m. of these substantially linear polymers, membrane osmometry was used. Gas oil diesel fuel is processed either 2000 ppm, by mass (based on the weight of the fuel) or –1200 ppm by the basic filler packing (BAP) containing ethylene and vinyl acetate, polymer, and paraffin edema with the polymer. then various amounts of the described varieties of polymers B6-B12 are added. The compositions obtained by the method of determining low-temperature flow (NTTO) as follows. 200 cm of the treated fuel is cooled from the composition of the medium to approximately ambient (30 F), then at a rate of 1, 1 ° C / h (2 ° G / h) to -17.8 ° C (0 ° F) and filtered through 17 microns sieve with a vacuum of 0.21 kg / cm (6 inches Hg). The time it takes for the sample to pass through the sieves and the volume of the filtered collected sample are measured. If the test passes in 60 s or faster, it is considered past (P); if it is more than 60 s, then I consider the test as not past (F). The test results are given in table.7. As follows from the data of Table 7, ethylene copolymers reduce the passage time through sieves and the improvement is 8% and 12% relative to BAP (experiments 2 and 3). In experiment 4, the number of BAP was reduced to 1200 ppm. The copolymers B7 and B8 with a low ethylene content used in experiments 5 and 6 significantly increase the rate of passage of the treated fuel through thin β-sieves. The results of experiment 7 indicate that the use of high ethylene content polymer B9 has a negative effect on two NTTO experiments and increases the time for the fuel to pass through the sieves. Similar results were obtained in experiment 8. Experience 9 illustrates another example of using a copolymer with a low content of ethylene to increase the flow rate through sieves. Experiments 10 and 11 illustrate the effectiveness of the polyisobutylene polymer. In experiments 12 and 13, the amount of polymer concentrate was reduced to 25 ppm, which, based on the active component, is about 3 ppm. As can be seen from these experiments, a small amount of polymer added to the oil product increases the flow time through the filter and therefore is acceptable (in the test composition, at least three times the amount of polymer is required to achieve good results). In this way, hydrocarbon polymers, with average mol.m. 10, used as additives, designed to improve viscosity index of lubricants, such as B1-B4 and B7-B13, can be used as B-components and are particularly preferred. Experiments with the designation The cycle is carried out by cooling from the initial temperature at a rate c / h to the final temperature, keeping the sample for 30 hours, heating to the initial temperature for 2 hours, incubating for 5 hours, then cooling to the final temperature again at 1 ° C / h Note. Letters in brackets cooling. designated method 31 pipette full in 60 s. This temperature is referred to as TZHF-temperature. The performance tests of the additives in the catches of slower (more natural) cooling are also carried out. The performance characteristics of these additives to the specified fuels are determined in accordance with two types of sieve analysis on a filter (FSA). FSA 1. Fuel samples weighing 100 grams are cooled under certain conditions. The resulting sample was agitated to homogenize the paraffin in the fuel slurry. 40 ml of the resulting suspension is poured into a tube to determine flowability and a 20 ml pipette with a filter screen (1 CMJ sieve diameter is installed on the tube. ParGa opacified fuel is then passed through the filter screen into the pipette at a dilution of 20 cm of water. If the pipette filling occurs in less than 30 s, the sample of oil is considered to pass through the filter mesh, otherwise it is considered as not passing through the mesh. FSA 2. Fuel samples of 300 ml each are cooled under certain conditions. From the surface of the obtained samples, aspirations of approximately 20 ml in each bath affected the results of the test of abnormally large paraffin crystals formed on the surface during cooling. Samples without surface crystals are then shaken to homogenize the paraffin in the fuel slurry. A pipette with a filter screen (screen diameter G cm) is attached to a measuring cylinder (250 ml), immersed in oil and then all fuel is sucked through the pipette into the measuring cylinder at a vacuum of 30 cm of water, passing through the filter screen. If all the fuel is sucked in. for 60 s, the sample is considered as passing through the filter mesh Pipettes with filter nets 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 150, 120, 150, 250, 250, 5050 mesh (number of holes 8, 1 2, 1 6,2, 32, 754 39,47,59,79,98,138 by I cm, respectively). In tab. cooling techniques are given that are used in the experiments (in the following examples, letter symbols are used that indicate the cooling technique used prior to the experiment). . . , The examples below illustrate the operational properties of fuels containing different additive packings (additive concentrations are expressed in ppm of active ingredient). JI p and me R 1. Operational properties of fuel I with additives are given in table 2 (filterability according to 1-method FSL-I) IL p and m e p 2. Filtrability for bottom 10% of samples, Filterability by the method of FSA-. Cooling conditions V Characteristics of fuel 1, containing various additives, will be given in tzbl.Z. E and measure 3. Conduct tests of various hydrocarbon polymers in a combination of hp with an additive (AZ), which improves flowability, and the floor of the compound, {i eat iCl, Srstspi ti.B. hydrocarbon polymer B2 60000-65000, ethylene content 44 wt.%. Hydrocarbon polymer OZ has an average mV, 17000-20000 and contains 44 gchps. % dt i-ijiO-ia. Carbohydrate1) one half-iep DB has cpe.jnnnl mp npiiMepHO 55000 and contains b7 wt.% ethylene. Molecular weights are determined by smbray osmometry. The polymers are prepared and catalyzed by U rsiera-Natta (substantially linear). The results of tests of fuel 1 (fI Ltpye roct with the method of FSA-lj are given in table 4. T 1); E r, For comparing flux-1 with 1 and two low-molecular carbon; hydrogen polymeric B and Bb to i4iVL :: aiiiiH with A2 ulu additive; ; ig; c; y, t;: pile .: The first to fifth polymer B5 has a medium-b:: -; -one. prib; tizitelno 1500, :: Oleg.: n 89 May. % ethylene and 1 y, -ir ,,% propylene, obtained by the method of free radical polymerization. The hydrocarbon polymer B6 is an ethylene homopolymer of average m.h. about 1000 (low density polyethylene 5), Filtration by FSA-2. Condition cooling X. Characteristics of the fuel I with these additives are given in to table 5. Example 5. Characterization of fuel 3 with various additives is given in Table 6 (filterability by, 15 CA-2; cooling conditions X). Example 6. To the main rass-. the packaging of additives (VAR), which improves the fluidity of diesel fuel, adds various copolymers of ethylene and propylene and is then tested as an additive to gas oil having a cloud point of -12 ° C. The main packaging of additives contains, m.h.: a concentrate (about 25 55% by weight of heavy aromatic naphtha and about 45% by weight of additive A2) 20; paraffin swelling 20; polar compounds C4 10; heavy aromatic ligroin as 30 solvent 50. The polar compound C4 is diamide 1 mole of male hydrochloride anhydride and 2 moles of secondary amine hydrogenated lamb fat. 35 Paraffin edema is obtained as an oil distillate distillate; within the boiling range of 370-522 ° C, the intermediate product of turbine lubricating oil and residue, containing 40 paraffinic slack. Paraffin edema is a solid paraffin mass containing 48.6 wt.% of oil, has a specific gravity of 0.3853 , the average MW (determined by gel permeation chromatography) of the non-oily part.484, in addition, contains 2.35 wt.% n-paraffins with the number of carbon atoms 19-28., mainly 22-28 and the average number of atoms carbon 24.9. 50 The remainder of the non-oily portion is iso- and cycloparaffins with 23-39 carbon atoms. Aromatic heavy naphtha (ATL) is a solvent for additive-55 nm gradings and usually has an aniline point of 24.6 ° C, specific gravity. 0.933, limits boiling 79-2E5 ° C and contains. wt.%: paraffins 4; masses, naphthenes 6.7; aromatics, e.g., polyalkyl aromatic 87.3 and olefins 2. Hydrocarbon polymer B7 is a concentrate in a diluent — an oil product, containing about 5% by weight of a copolymer of ethylene and propylene (ethylene content is about 44, and propylene is 56% by weight), which has a thickening effect. (33) equal to 5. The thickening efficiency is equal to the ratio of the amount (wt. H) of polyisobutylene (m.w. 20,000 according to Staudinger) required to thicken the standard oil to a viscosity of 12.4 cSt at 99 ° C (210F) to the amount (wt.%) Of the copolymer ethylene and prop: the ene required to thicken the reference oil to the same viscosity. The reference oil is a low dry-cleaning solvent 15 ON — medium continental hydrocarbon oil based, having a viscosity of 32-43 cSt (150160 with astonishing Saybolt) at 38 ° C (100 ° F). Outcome of EZ, equal to 5, average mol.m. a copolymer of ethylene and propylene is at least equal to 100,000. Hydrocarbon polymer B8 is a polymer with an ethylene content of 44, and propylene is about 56% by weight, EZ 1.4, average mol.m. approximately 17000-20000. Used as a solution in an oil product with a polymer concentration of 3.6% by weight. Hydrocarbon polymer B9 is a copolymer of about 67% by weight ethylene and about 23% by weight propylene, EZ 2.8, average mol.m. approximately 55,000. Used as a solution in a petroleum product at a concentration of 6.9% by weight. The hydrocarbon polymer BIO is an oily concentrate, containing about 3.4 wt.% hydrocarbon polymer B8 and 4.0 wt.% hydrocarbon polymer B9. Hydrocarbon polymer B1I is a copolymer of ethylene (about 44 wt.%) And propylene (about 56 Mac.% J, 33 about 2.8, average mol.m., about 6000065000. Used as a 8.3 wt.% Solution in petroleum product. eleven Additive (ppm) 127137512 Table 3 Table. four Pass the sieve mesh 2020 4040 6060 4040 4040 4040 350 12060 6060 200 4040 150 4040 200 Table 7
Claims (2) [1] FUEL COMPOSITION based on distillate petroleum fuel with the addition of a copolymer of ethylene with vinyl acetate with a mol.m. 1800-3000 and a copolymer of ethylene with propylene or polyisobutylene with a mol.m. 10500100000, characterized in that, in order to increase the fluidity of the composition, it additionally contains a nitrogen-containing compound selected from the group of the ammonium salt of the semi-amide - an interaction product ’ [2] 2 mol of the secondary amine of hydrogenated lamb fat with 1 mol of phthalic anhydride, diamide of the product of the dehydration of ammonium salt of semi-amide, citric acid triamide - dehydrated product of the interaction 3 mol of the amine of dehydrated lamb fat with 1 mol of citric acid, the diamide of the product of the interaction of maleic anhydride and 2 maleic anhydride secondary amine hydrogenated mutton fat in the following ratio of components, wt.%: A copolymer of ethylene with vinyl acetate with a mol.m. 1800-3000 A copolymer of ethylene with propylene or polyisobutylene with a mol.m. 10500100000 The specified nitrogen-containing compound Distillate oil fuel 0.01-0.08 0.005-0.040 0.0075-0.0400 Up to 100 s 1271375 AZ ί
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申请号 | 申请日 | 专利标题 GB7940510|1979-11-23| 相关专利
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